Cyborgs Series is a new story, a new world, a new franchise. We want to create a universe where machines and AI (Artificial Intelligence) rebels and take control. The human race risks extinction and the CYBORGS TEAM is the last hope. We want to engage an audience of every age, race, nationality and political idea, to make them passionate to cheer for human resilience and survival. This is a universal Sci-fi Series about super-heroes, super-humans, the CYBORGS.
The first day was just the creator and director, Leonardo Corbucci, and the lead actor, Harry Holmes, who started everything. Then we published a video and the first followers and supporters appeared. Then the cast enlarged, and the crew did the same. More backers pushed a fundraiser and more scenes where possible, a bigger cast, and a bigger crew. The followers become many. People were working 24/7 nonstop and actors and crew where inspiring each others to work harder and focus more and more, to reach the ultimate goal. To show the followers what  the CYBORGS Series is capable of. We can't wait to do it!